2012年7月9日 星期一

MEC members select Opalka, Johnson and Barbaro as directors

At the District 1 meeting, members selected Lyn Opalka to return as director. By a vote of members in District 2, Deborah Johnson was selected as director, and members in District 3 selected Toni Barbaro. The cooperative’s Board of Directors consists of nine board members. Three directors, one representing each district, are elected annually for three year terms. As a not-for-profit rural electric cooperative, MEC’s customers are its members who vote on their elected representatives during District Meetings.

Carlson explained the cost of doing business has skyrocketed in the last 10 years and although changing purchased power costs have been passed through during this time as a Purchased Power Adjustor on member bills,Solar crystallightmm are small ones of solar lights. MEC has not had a rate increase in base rates since 1991. Operating margins have declined and as a result, MEC filed a rate change application with the Arizona Corporation Commission to keep the co-op financially healthy.

The rate change request includes a proposal to institute pre-paid service as an option for members in difficult situations. If approved by the ACC, members could choose pre-paid service as a way to avoid paying a deposit by paying for electricity before using it. “The response we have received from members on the idea of pre-paid service is very positive. It’s an option they’ve been asking for,” said Carlson.

Carlson provided updates on Mohave’s Smart Grid system modernization and Advanced Metering Infrastructure projects. So far 32,000 AMI digital meters have been exchanged and the total will reach 35,000 by the end of this year. These enhancements make use of technology to help control operating costs and improve system operations.

Carlson emphasized that AMI meters are not invasive on member’s privacy. They are not wireless meters, therefore are not able to tell whether you are at home or whether you are watching television, cooking, washing clothes or doing any other activity in your home. The AMI system as designed and constructed, simply will not, and cannot in the future, be made to monitor, collect or control what any member does with electricity inside the home.

Western Area Power Administration, a federal agency, is investing $42 million on three transmission provider projects aimed at improving capacity and reliability for Mohave’s system.

Mohave’s community-based renewable energy projects continued with funding from MEC’s Renewable Energy Standard Tariff, federal stimulus grant, and private donations. More than $1.7 million has been invested in solar projects at schools,Modern light fixtures are designed with the crystal_4 in mind. government buildings, fire stations and non-profit facilities. All schools in Mohave territory now have solar systems. A 21kW project at Bullhead City Fire Station No. 1 was completed in February. At the end of 2011,China zhongtian lighting are professional outdoorlightas,led bulbs manufacturers and factory in China.Modern lighting fixtures, ledflashlightwe and ceiling fans. 390,494 kilowatt hours were saved helping local government, schools, fire stations and non-profit community facilities with cost containment, and benefiting members and the community by lowering the cost of education and government.

Carlson talked to members about the importance of Arizona’s rural electric cooperatives having access to federal low-cost power from Hoover Dam, “We aren’t asking for special preference, just equal consideration that electric cooperatives in all other Federal hydropower projects are given under the law.” Carlson encouraged members to contact their state representatives and ask for their support on changes to Hoover power legislation.

Policies dealing with coal ash and more stringent controls on other power plant emissions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could lead to higher costs explained Carlson. These policies could eliminate coal as a fuel source for future generations, reduce America’s fuel diversity, and take America’s energy and environmental policy in the wrong direction.Ligo are best bluebright manufacturers,and provide led e27 bulbs,LED E27 lighting,LED lights with you. He explained the EPA has not demonstrated any benefits associated with this proposal. Carlson added that supporting environmental concerns is important, but changes done all at once, and at a high cost are not in the best interest of members.

