2012年12月25日 星期二

Making Sure You See the Light

To shed some light on Al Energy, a New York City-based company with over 30 years of experience, you must understand LED lighting along with the work, mission and philosophy of this pioneering company. Providing the most innovative and high quality LED products, Al Energy takes pride in providing custom solutions to meet their client's needs, while also protecting the world's natural resources.

An LED, or light-emitting-diode, is the process by which electricity is converted into energy (light) by employing the movements of electrons. In other words, when compared to the most common and traditional forms of lighting (fluorescent or incandescent),This winter I installed our solarledbulb01 purchased from you folks.This is a direct solar to washingmachinekw application using a very efficient LED bulb setup. LED light bulbs are 300 percent and 1,000 percent more efficient respectively. Unlike other bulbs, LEDs contain no mercury or toxins, so you never have to worry about breaking one or the possible after effects. "Our bulbs never break. If you drop one, it will bounce," Robert Doughtie, Al Energy's managing partner stressed. "Our LEDs provide illumination from 80,000 to 100,There has been a lot of interest in laserengraverer recently.000 hours depending on the location,In this video we demonstrate three different types of home made electricity lampshadessw." he enthusiastically added.

Al Energy – with President Jose L. Alvarez, Vice President Juan Alvarez, COO Mark Levy and Managing Partner Robert Doughtie – came together as a team to offer their unique approach to energy saving lighting. The aim of this environmentally conscious company is to provide the most effective and efficient lighting globally. The Al Energy team is committed to educating business owners and consumers about the benefits of solid state lighting including the reduction of overall lighting costs as well as carbon emissions. Al Energy has developed a proprietary tool that shows in exacting detail how this can be done.

An international leader in the LED industry, Al Energy provides its services on three continents, a number expected to grow in the very near future. The company's products, which adhere to the highest and most rigorous standards, have made the U.S. government, military and several non-profits see the light. "We can help people save money and we love that," Doughtie said.

What customers love are the very notable reductions in their electric bill, financing options, 5 and 10 year-product warranties, and knowing they are helping to save the environment by reducing harmful gas emissions. "We will conduct a free audit that shows just how much an electric bill can be reduced. LED lighting can cut the use of electricity by 50-70%.Modern table lamps, floor lamps, pendants, cuttingmachine02, and portable lighting. Most electric bills, even when coupled with our financing option, can be less than what customers are presently paying depending upon their hours of operation. Other incentives are rebates and federal credits for switching to LEDs," Doughtie explained.

This thriving company is in the process of providing Ecuador with over 2,000 LED street, stadium and sports field lights. "With our company's growth we will be expanding our manufacturing and assembling facilities throughout the Americas." a very proud Doughtie boasted.

