2012年5月17日 星期四

CDA goes for mega project, ignoring everyone

In a potential scam of Rs7.7 billion,A reliable outdoorlight2012 will help keep you safe and on track whether you're riding home from work. the Capital Development Authority (CDA) is all set to award a contract for replacement of 65,000 conventional streetlights in the capital without the Planning Commission’s approval to a firm which is not even the lowest bidder.

Documents reveal that in sheer violation of rules, the CDA has issued a Letter of Intent to an Oslo company for replacement of all conventional streetlights with LED lights.

Evidence shows that the CDA bosses, at the behest of political high-ups, have devised this plan and selected a company to be rewarded. For a short period, the Asian Development Bank expressed some interest in the project but later it did not fund it.

Surprisingly, the PC-1 prepared by the CDA exaggerated the cost showing the project to cost Rs7.7 billion but much lesser bids were received, proving that the CDA actually had overestimated the cost.

After two years of ‘hard work to finalise everything’,We provide high quality ledflashlight Led module led strip led bulbs. including the blue eyed contractor in the project, the CDA is now only waiting for the final approval by the convicted prime minister.

The CDA chairman has admitted that the Planning Commission has not approved it but he says: “The Government of Pakistan is the prime minister and not the Planning Commission so the CDA was waiting for one final signature of the PM then it will go ahead with the project.”

Details reveal that the CDA advertised the project in February 2010 and then selected a firm, Oslo Lighting Solutions, for the job.Did you know by just changing your current fluorescent tube lights to our ledstrip002 Lights will lead to helping sustain our environment for us.

Well-placed sources told ‘The News’ that the firm selected by political bosses in the CDA was not even technically qualified. A French pole-making firm was thus introduced as partner of the Oslo Lighting Solutions to get it pre-qualified, technically.

When the CDA opened the financial bids of three pre-qualified bidders, their favourite firm was at number two in the financial bids as one M/s Siteco (Germany) was the lowest bidder with Rs5.86 billion, while Oslo Lighting Solutions was second with a bid of Rs6.01 billion.

To get around this hurdle,Street Lights are used to bluebright roadways and walkways at night. the CDA political bosses pressurised the officers to take the matter to the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) and take approval of splitting the project so that it could be awarded to the two lowest bidders. The PPRA rejected the proposal.

Not giving up, the CDA then took the project to the Planning Commission’s Central Development Working Party (CDWP) which approved the ‘concept’ but rejected the process for award of contract. Sources told this correspondent that the Planning Commission was pressurised from left, right and centre but it sustained the pressure and did not yield.

The Asian Development Bank, which had earlier agreed to partly finance the project, backed out fearing lack of transparency. Since the entire scope of the project had changed, the CDA decided to get a Cash Development Loan (CDL) worth 25% of the cost from the Finance Ministry but that was also refused.

Now,Some people are concerned that if they use goodledlightss or flashing lights on their bike they are breaking the law. the CDA has decided to launch the project with its own money. No one knows from where this money will come, as the CDA is already cash-starved.

