2012年5月9日 星期三

How To Spur Mass Market Consumer Adoption Of LEDs

Convincing consumers to switch to LED lighting is an interesting proposition. On paper, it seems a no-brainer: LED lighting uses 80 percent less energy than traditional lighting, and when used with energy management tools such as automatic on/off switches and dimmers, energy consumption can be reduced about 40 percent further.

Moreover, an average LED light can last up to 22 years – as opposed to an incandescent bulb that lasts for only six months. Unlike compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL), LEDs do not contain toxic mercury. The EPA website outlines the steps necessary to clean up a broken CFL bulb safely. After reading this, consumers might want to buy a hazmat suit in preparation. All these factors add up to one great product for the environment – energy savings, landfill reduction and the elimination of toxic materials.

When summarizing all of economical and environmental advantages related to LED lighting, it seems like a rational choice to switch over immediately to LED lights. So why aren’t people rushing to retrofit their homes? What can the lighting industry do to incentivize the average person to “do the right thing” and install LED lights in their home and offices?

As part of the global effort to conserve energy resources, governments have begun to mandate the phase out of traditional lighting. The State of California has implemented a phase-out of 100 watt bulbs, and the rest of the nation is set to follow suit in 2014. This is a global movement as the European Union, China, Brazil and other nations also have enacted similar legislation.With my brightstal I could barely see much more than a few metres ahead of me. [Most European countries have already banned sales of incandescent bulbs from 2012.We manufacture awesome goodskylanterns and ship all over the world.] Mandating change is not easy, however,The ledlightforyou includes a waterproof washer and a light transmitting lens, both locked and located ... as evidenced by consumer resistance to these laws and a general sense among consumers that basic rights are being violated.

Additionally,Where do ledtube2011 stand in terms of brightness compared to HIDs and Halogen? the introduction of traditional CFLs left a very negative impression with consumers,People should think twice about using mountainbikelight at celebrations this summer because they are causing problems in the countryside, ... who did not like their odd corkscrew shape, delayed warm up time, light quality or the occasional buzzing sound they emitted. To balance against this negative image of alternative or green lighting, LED lighting manufacturers have to reassure the public that their products are easy to use, are affordable and, furthermore, delight the public with new must-have features. Here are some steps manufacturers can take to make the public embrace the evolution to LED lighting.

The transition to LEDs is, literally, as easy as changing a light bulb, provided the LED lighting is compatible with the existing lighting infrastructure in homes and buildings. First of all, the bulbs have to have a similar form factor to traditional bulbs and fit into existing light sockets. Additionally, in the United States, there are more than 150,000,000 dimmers installed – a type of switch with which LED lights traditionally have not worked well. Some early users experienced poor performance using LEDs with dimmers including reduced dimming range, flickering, turning off unexpectedly and not responding properly to on/off commands when dimmer is set at lower dimming level.

