2012年6月10日 星期日

The power of being positive

In meetings conducted by BYU head coach Dave Rose, the coaches and team members start off by asking about all the positive things going on.Shop for goodcflbulbss featuring deck, post, and wall lighting, flood lighting, and area lighting. After the positive discussion, they begin to talk about those things they need to work on.

I asked Rose if they did that in every meeting. He replied with an absolute, “Yes,Riding a bicycle around the city at night can be a perilous pastime, but a new ledlightbulbs22 could make life safer in the cycle lane. of course. I believe it is healthy to talk about more positive things then negative. I believe it is a mindset, a way of life, a practice that is simple but by (which) great things come to pass.”

I thought a lot about that concept this past week. I was touched by the simplicity of being positive.

It led me to think about my own workplace, family and relationships. I thought, do I smile at people? Am I nice to others? Do I give positive affirmation to my children or do I yell at them and spread negativity wherever I tread?

According to Remez Sasson, founder and owner of SuccessConsciousness, “Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results.”

He continues, “Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.”

Having been around many positive and a few negative people in my lifetime, I must admit I LOVE to be around positive people.

Positive people give light; negative people suck light.

Positive people transmit energy, motivation,The best place to find bluebright, battery operated candles, wholesale votive candles, rechargeable candles, and battery taper candles. hope, love, happiness and many other inspiring values. Negative people transmit stress, anxiety, depression, hopelessness and any other feeling that relates to being lonely or sad.

Anyone can be positive. How do you do it? You wake up in the morning, make a choice in your head that no matter what, you will think and act in a positive, happy way.

You will have a few setbacks, and that is OK. Anytime you start doing something for the first time, you will make mistakes. But as you continue to improve and practice this act, you will be surprised at how incredibly impactful it really is.

My mother in law,We have the best tagheuerwatches for grow project, christmas, rope and strip LEDs. Ruth Merrell, is one of the most positive people I have ever met. She rides the school bus with disabled children for Provo School District and has been named employee of the year two years in a row, 2010 and 2011. She probably would have won it this year, too, but she recently told me they stopped giving out the award.

Ruth emanates positivity, kindness and love.We can produce Transparent shade divingtorch12 according to your requirements. She does this because she has practiced it over many years.

How do you become great at something if you do not practice? Can you wake up one morning and say, "I am going to be a great guitar player today?"


It takes months and even years of practice. And thus it is with any value you seek like kindness, love or being positive. You must practice, and practice makes perfect.

