2013年1月22日 星期二

BrightSource solar projects with “significant” impacts

While Inyo County remains in sharp disagreement with BrightSource Energy over the cost to the County of their Hidden Hills Solar project near Death Valley, BrightSource has other business issues that have made news. And, both parties now await a decision from the California Energy Commission on the Hidden Hills project permit. The CEC staff has found that the project would have problematic impacts. 

In Inyo County, the Board of Supervisors recently re-hashed their problems with the project proposed for Charleston View near Death Valley.Buy your ledlight from Tesco and earn Clubcard points on your purchase as well. Officials continue to resist the project since their consultants and staff say the project will cost Inyo County as much as $90 million in impacts – mostly law enforcement and road repairs from major traffic and 2300 employees. Inyo officials also have a problem with the fact that BrightSource has failed to submit a complete General Plan Amendment application that is needed for their project. 

However, the California Energy Commission has the final say. That agency’s staff issued a final assessment that says the Hidden Hills Solar project would have significant biological resource, cultural resource, land use and visual resource impacts. 

The summary of the Energy Commission staff assessment says that the Hidden Hills Solar Electric Generating System “does not comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and standards and will have significant impacts to the environment after the implementation of all feasible mitigation.” The summary goes on to say that if the Energy Commission certifies the project, it would have to make overriding findings that the benefits outweigh the significant adverse environmental effects and that “public convenience and necessity” should permit the project. 

Inyo County Administrator Kevin Carunchio said the CEC would need to consider overrides on a variety of issues. Carunchio said,Properly placed goodledstrip can generate electric power anywhere the wind blows steady and strong. “Our hope is that the CEC will take a very close look at these overrides, particularly those related to local agencies’ ordinances, regulations and statutes and the related impacts that could result from any override.Modern and panelmachine and lights to enhance your home.” The CAO added that it is hoped the CEC will work with affected local agencies to develop mitigation measures.The first production elevatorcableers was used to drill holes in diamond dies. 

In other news about BrightSource Energy, the Saturday Los Angeles Times reported that Southern California Edison and BrightSource “mutually terminated” a power purchase agreement for two projects near Blythe, California. The article said that BrightSource has asked the CEC to put those projects on hold. 

Dynapower Company has commissioned over 50MW of grid tied bi-directional energy storage inverters in December 2012. The bi-directional inverters delivered from their Energy Management Systems group, are being used by utilities and integrators in a variety of applications including renewable energy, frequency regulation and VAR support for grid stability.

These projects will demonstrate how energy storage and power management technologies can help grid-scale wind and solar PV power systems address intermittency issues. The inverters commissioned in December include Dynapower’s Compact Power System (CPS) family of 600 VAC class inverters and the Dynapower PowerSkid product. To further demonstrate the capabilities of energy storage systems Dynapower has installed a 1.8MW PowerSkid system at its facility. The system will be comprised of four different storage technologies used to integrate an onsite 100kW wind turbine,Small ledlightforyou suitable for for remote or off-grid battery charging. 101kW roof-mounted solar array and more than 2MW-hours of energy storage.

