2013年5月2日 星期四

Australian Vaccine Manufacturer Going Solar

Veterinary vaccine manufacturer, MSD Animal Health, has been awarded funding under the Clean Technology Investment Program to install a 250kW solar panel system at its manufacturing facility in Bendigo East, Victoria.You ever hear the story of the old laundryequipment? 

The solar array will slash carbon emissions intensity from the facility by 22 per cent and result in savings of around $44,000 on electricity bills each year. The government's contribution of $335,660 will be matched by the company. 

"Introducing renewable energy through a solar PV system is a great way to cut costs in the manufacturing process," said Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change,the energyturbines adopting SCF supercritical generator technology, Industry and Innovation, Yvette D'Ath. "This project will help MSD Animal Health to become more economically and environmentally sustainable into the future, and the Gillard Government is pleased to be able to support it." 

The $800 million Clean Technology Investment Program and the $200 million Clean Technology Food and Foundries Investment Program support manufacturers in making the transition to a low pollution economy. The funding has been sourced through revenue gained through the carbon tax. 

Other forms of grants, rebates and assistance are also available to businesses to make the switch to solar and it doesn't need to involve installing a very large system. For example, small businesses in Australia are able to immediately write off assets to the value of $6,500; including solar panel arrays. 

According to commercial solar provider Energy Matters, if a business is paying more than 20c/kWh for daytime electricity usage,thousands of people power their homes and businesses with individual crystallights. a system sized to daytime load will provide a payback time of between 5 and 7 years - after which time,More than 200 GW of new emergencylamps13 capacity could come on line before the end of 2013. the electricity generated is essentially free. As solar panels have a serviceable life of decades, the return on a good quality, properly installed commercial scale solar power system is substantial. 

Energy Matters' commercial arm has prepared a guide to assist businesses in choosing a solar provider by helping companies discern value-for-money proposals from sales spin. 

To bring solar power to a low-income family in Guadalupe, the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians has partnered with nonprofit solar installer GRID Alternatives, the tribe announced. 

The solar installation is made possible through a $5,000 donation from the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Foundation and is the the first time GRID Alternatives and the tribe have worked together. 

GRID Alternatives has provided no or low-cost solar electric systems for more than 3,000 families since 2004 while serving as a classroom in the field for solar job trainees. 

"GRID Alternatives has partnered with tribal communities across the state to bring solar power and solar job training to their members, and we are just so excited that the Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians is taking it a step further by helping us to bring clean, affordable energy to their neighbors," said GRID Alternatives co-founder and CEO Erica Mackie, in a written statement released by the tribe. 

Since 2011, the program has provided 17 home building assessments, completed two home upgrades, and recently completed its first solar installation. As a long-time supporter of alternative energy, the Chumash Tribal Hall and Tribal Health Clinic are outfitted with photovoltaic solar systems that offset 36 percent of the buildings’ energy use. 

"This is a win-win partnership for us," Chumash Tribal Chairman Vincent Armenta said in a written statement. "This program not only encourages alternative energy, which is something the tribe strongly supports,The electical building blocks for solarlampemergencylight or modules. but it also provides valuable training and helps low-income families save money on their energy bills."

