2011年4月28日 星期四

ergy Efficient Lights

Energy Efficient Lights
With the state of today's environment, it is more important than ever to save energy. As the years go by, and our past energy use has more than doubled, our resources are slowly dwindling. In order to conserve our resources or perhaps find other sources of energy, it is more important than ever to do your share in conserving energy.

If you own a business, or perhaps decorate with Christmas lights during the holiday season,Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs. you may think of using energy efficient lights such as LED lights. An average light bulb will use about 6 watts (per bulb) of energy-where as an LED light-only uses .08 watts per bulb. A regular string of LED Christmas lights will have over 100,000 hours of available lighting. If you were to convert most of your business or areas of your home to LED lighting,Black bears are already making their way from pool table covers their dens in search of food, often trekking through neighborhoods on their quest. not only would you be saving on personal energy costs but also conserving for the environment as well.Compact fluorescent light bulbs convert a led tube considerably higher percentage of their energy into light, which is why they are significantly more energy efficient than traditional filament bulbs.

When using extra energy in our homes and businesses, a lot of extra carbon dioxide is being released into the air. Not only are we hurting our environment, but we are also putting our own health in danger.While using compact fluorescent light bulbs energy saving light helps conserve energy, it is important that the bulbs are collected and recycled properly to protect our environment Using energy efficient LED lights can save the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the air since they use less energy than regular household light bulbs. LED lights are just as efficient lights as the average light bulb, too, so you won't have to worry about losing quality lighting.

According to a New York Times article (February 13, 2009; Do Energy-Saving LED Lamps Save Energy?), it was actually tested to determine if an LED lamp would be more efficient than a regular one. The answer was yes. It was found that one standard LED lamp lasted twenty-five times longer than a regular florescent light bulb. A standard LED light bulb lasted up to 25,000 hours. In order to receive 25,000 hours of use from the average bulb, a consumer would have to purchase 3 compact florescent light bulbs or 25 incandescent bulbs. LED lights are indeed energy efficient lights. If more people around the world switched to efficient lights such as LED lights, we would be able to cut back on our energy consumption and help save on valuable resources that our planet uses every day.

Since carbon dioxide is one of the leading causes of air pollution, there is no time like the present to begin doing something about it. It would make a difference if more stores began to stock energy efficient lights instead of the average standard bulbs.But these are no lightweight backpacking infrared sauna benefits tents: the 200 weighs in at a hefty 7kg and the 800 tips the scales at 28.1kg Also, informing the public about how much energy they could save as well as money out of their pockets would help persuade consumers to change to energy efficient lights too. By taking the steps to change to more efficient lighting choices, everyone could begin taking an important step in their household or business to save our planet.

