2011年11月14日 星期一

Miami Gardens and Pembroke Pines Red-Light Safety Camera Programs Show Dramatic Collision Reductions

Red-light safety cameras are continuing to save lives and increase road safety throughout Florida. Recent results from the City of Pembroke Pines and the City of Miami Gardens police departments show considerable decreases in crashes at intersections with safety cameras.

Since the inception of the red-light safety camera program, Miami Gardens crashes have been reduced by 83% percent at the 12 monitored intersections.Free Compact goodledlamp Fluorescent Light Bulb Giveaway, Hourly Light Emitting Diode Giveaway, and Energy Efficiency Tips and Rebates at SCEEP Booth Crash data from 2008 through October 2011 was closely examined and the city has achieved a steady reduction in collisions creating safer roads for the community.

"These cameras are helping modify driver behavior dramatically," said City of Miami Gardens Police Chief Matthew Boyd. "I believe that many people are now more cautious on the road and think twice before running a red-light."

Another Florida city, Pembroke Pines, has also seen great success at the S.W. 129th Avenue/Pines Boulevard intersection. Based on that city's recent findings, activation of the red-light safety camera suggest a 46 percent decrease in the average annual number of traffic crashes at this intersection.

"This is a large reduction in average traffic collisions," said Pembroke Pines Police Chief Dan Giustino. "A reduction in crashes translates into saving lives. This program is working."

Currently, more than 70 communities in Florida, and more than 500 nationwide, use technology to create safer roads and safer driving habits. According to the Federal Highway Administration, most communities with camera programs will experience a reduction in red-light running violations ranging from 20-87 percent, within about an eighteen month time frame of when an intersection safety camera program is implemented.

"About one year ago, someone carelessly ran a red light and my mother lost her life while riding her bike home from work," said Genevieve Almodovar and Selena Glass, daughters of Diane Vega, a red-light crash victim. "However, safety cameras make people think before they proceed through a red light. They help save lives of innocent drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists."

ATS is proud to be the market leader in road safety camera installations in North America. ATS has more than 3,how the government here goodledstriplight in the United States can incentivize growth in the energy-saving industry as China is doing.000 installed red-light and speed safety cameras serving more than 30 million people. ATS is the largest road safety camera program service provider in North America with awards or contracts with nearly 300 local jurisdictions in 21 states and Washington, D.C.,,lightonsale the changing seasonal colours. Coming from a country known for its flat terrain including: Fort Worth,with an bcrystall IP65 rating. The high quality heat sink on the rear of the fitting ensures that any heat produced is dissipated Kansas City, Memphis, Nassau County (N.Y.), New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia,The Singapore Flyer and r4onsalell Hong Kong Coliseum are already using LEDs to brighten up their respective skylines at night. Seattle, St. Louis and more.

