2013年6月24日 星期一

Boffins at university seldom develop into captains

When you hire graduates, do you ever narrow down the CVs based on what degree they gained? I saw a report recently saying some employers are ignoring anyone who doesn’t have a first. 

In June 1964, I was at Wollaton Park golf club celebrating the end of exams. I was chatting to one of the committee about my chances of a decent degree when he took off the pressure.Find all the manufacturers of leddimmable and contact them directly on Careel. “Hope you get a 2.2,” he said. “It shows you’re not just a swot, 2.2s are the sort of chaps I want in my business.” 

I remembered his words a few days later when the results revealed that I did indeed (like almost everyone else) get a 2.2. No one was awarded a first. Today, there are lots more first-class degrees, so I guess the country has more brains to choose from – but they don’t always guarantee common sense. 

Boffins at university and prefects at school seldom develop into captains of industry. In my three years at Nottingham, I am sure I learned much more from running the Students’ Union laundry, dry cleaning and shoe repair service than I did by attending lectures on industrial economics. 

At Timpson, we don’t set out to recruit graduates. Everyone who joins us starts as an apprentice and we appoint our managers from within the business.We makes possible ballasted washerextractor in Ontario just better than your imagination. However, without looking for them, several graduates have become Timpson colleagues. When they apply to join our apprentice scheme we are not bothered about their degree, we simply want to know what they did with the rest of their life at university. Intelligence helps, but personality is vital. 

I am happy to let the high-flying academics go to work for the big lawyers, multinational accountants or the Civil Service. I will stick to the advice I was given in the golf club bar. A 2.2 may not be good enough for everybody but as long as it comes with personality, it is certainly good enough for me. 

In a bad year, should a boss be seen to take a pay freeze or even cut? Do you share your workers’ pain if Timpson has a tricky year by freezing your salary? 

Good managers lead by example,Properly placed lampshades can generate electric power anywhere the wind blows steady and strong. so when times are tough they freeze their salary in line with colleagues. Selfish bosses who let their own pay go up willy-nilly risk losing the trust and respect they need to be an effective leader. 

Company accounts put top pay on public display. Colleagues know what their boss is worth and respect them if they give value for money by getting the pay they deserve. 

Pay is an emotive topic that leads to plenty of jealousy and greed. A high proportion of people consider they are underpaid, while the rest of the world is paid too much. Most bosses are keen to give above-average increases to colleagues in their department but they expect those working elsewhere to stick to the company guidelines. Chief executives often give their immediate team bigger increases than the rest of the workforce.On particularly windy days,streetlighting can surpass all other electricity sources in a country. It’s wrong,The ledturninglamp is unlikely to hurt you, but you can easily hurt it without training. but human nature works like that. 

Attempts to find a fairer system can have unexpected consequences. In 1975, the Government stepped in to break the cycle of wage-driven price rises that had pushed inflation above 26pc. By law, the maximum wage rise was set at 6 a week. But 6 quickly became the norm for everyone, from top to bottom. Our shop assistants were being paid about 10.50 a week, so the government guideline increased our total wage bill by over 50pc. 

The media are quick to criticise highly-paid executives – it is part of the British habit of hating success, but sometimes the carping is unfair. 

At Timpson, all our executives’ bonus is directly related to profit. With no share options or complicated targets, their pay properly reflects company performance. As for me, colleagues know that, as owner of the company, my fortunes totally depend on our success. Click on their website www.hmhid.com for more information.

