2013年7月15日 星期一

Zha Zhenfa and His Solar Empire

At this year’s Solar Photovoltaic Development and Investment High-End Forum held on May 15th in Shanghai, China, eyes of the press, solar panel manufacturers, solar investors, and directors of commercial banks all turned to one man and one company. 

Zha Zhenfa, the man behind Zhenfa New Energy Science & Technology Co., Ltd., has always been a man of understatement who shies away from spotlight and adulation. However, in the past five years or so he has managed to quietly build up an empire of solar power generation stations across China with several cutting-edge innovations in solar technology and application – all of this under the radar of the press and even other companies in the solar industry. 

The empire started its first steps with a simple enough strategy: avoiding the big fish. Back then,Shop the best selection of men's HEM301 and pendants. that meant the lucrative upstream solar PV panel and module manufacturing business, which had inspired the overnight mushrooming of hundreds of companies big and small, all competing to be number one in the manufactured capacity of, if not the whole panel, at least one of the parts that come into the panels. 

In retrospect, that decision could well have been the one factor that has made all the difference in Zhenfa’s success. By avoiding the oversaturated upstream market and focusing on the downstream solar power station development, Zhenfa New Energy was able to evade the waves of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy sanctions, from the US at first, and then followed by the EU, as well as the increasingly stagnating global market resulting from overcapacity,Elevator safety parts are usually include elevator speed governor、ledturninglampes and elevator buffer.A washerextractor01 is a machine to wash laundry, such as clothing and sheets. which was very much the upstream manufacturers’ own doing. 

While the solar industry now might applaud Zha Zhenfa’s foresight, that business decision was as much a product of chance as of his business acumen. According to a former employee at Zhenfa New Energy, the company’s move to the downstream sector only came after its gross failure upstream. “Around 2011, Zha invested 30 RMB million into the upstream single crystal growth business, buying up all the most advanced equipment, only to lose all the investment in the end…Zha himself is very well versed in civil engineering but not at all familiar with chemical engineering stuff, which is what the upstream market is all about. Back then, upstream sectors, be it silicon growing or slicing, were a lot more profitable than the downstream sectors.” 

Coincidentally, it was right around then that problems associated with overcapacity in the solar manufacturing sector began to surface across the country. In response, the government started moves to invigorate the domestic market by incentivizing toward solar and wind power generation projects, bringing downstream developers like Zha right into the front and center. 

Since 2011, riding on the waves of national policy incentives and its competitiveness in the less-populated downstream sector, Zhenfa New Energy has been cranking up its engine to establish an empire of large-scale solar power plant projects that stretches from China’s eastern coastline to its remote western desert, spanning provinces including Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Shandong,Design and manufacture of ledparlightrrp for garments and textile fabrics. all the way to Gansu, Ningxia,The solarpanel is available in a choice of shapes including dome and the traditional variety. and Qinghai. 

It is not only the big numbers that Zha takes pride in. He deems technological innovation as the crown jewel of his business success. Zhenfa New Energy is, by every measure, a trailblazer in the development of solar technology and techniques that are adaptive to diversified natural environments. The company is the first of its kind in China to establish an independent design, construction, application and maintenance department dedicated to research in integrating solar power generation into specific local eco- and economics systems. 

Some of the unique solutions coming out of this team include a “Solar PV + Agriculture + Livestock Raising” model targeted at rural areas; a desert-integrated solar model that not only generates electricity, but also prevents desertification; and PV projects that complement local wind power generation or even commercial fishing. More information about the program is available on the web site at www.aodepu.net.

